Residents of Village Bujur Barat, in Madura Island, Indonesia caught a big snake. It is 13 feet long and 16 Inch wide. It was caught in the cemetery when the snake was getting out from the collapse tombs. The body in the tomb had been lost. It is suspected to have eaten by the snake. Before the snake was caught, many of the dead body in the cemetery was lost.
"The snake is no t wild, but when the snake looks someone wear white cloths, it opens its mouth likely it want to eat him.” Chief of village official said.
Mans who have relatives or his family was buried in the cemetery nervous. They worry if body of his relatives or his family is eaten by the snake.
In other side, the residents of the village believe that the snake have magical power. When the snake was appearing, it was never rain. “I originally wanted to submit the snake to the zoo, but the residents forbade me because as long as the snake is not released, it is never rain” one of the village resident said.
“Up to now we still confuse about the snake. We have to comply what the residents believes, but we have to keep the dead body in the cemetery.” The official of the region said.